The fact is if you grow up in America and if you make $10,000 a year you are better off than 90% of the world's population. If you have kids you have probably noticed when they want things in a store (over and over and over again) or they may take for granted the things that they have. We are super blessed! I believe we are blessed to be a blessing. Proverbs 11:25 says A generous man will prosper; he who refreshes others will himself be refreshed.
I wanted to find a tool to not only give my kids a global perspective but also help them understand that they have it pretty good. At first my wife thought this book may be too intense for our kids but I have had a blast reading, each night about a different nation. There are facts and pictures and even my 3 year old has been moderately interested as we sit and read about a new nation each night and say prayers for people who are not like us and far less fortunate.
Book Description loved by young and old - a book that will inform and inspire the whole family, this beautifully presented, yet practical book, is the ideal accompaniment to Operation World. Stunning photographic visuals complement this A to Z of countries and people groups providing an exciting learning experience and guide for prayer. Short stories about featured countries or people groups help relate foreign lands and people to children in the West. Each page includes a small map putting the country into perspective with neighboring countries, a fact box with essential country, and people information and prayer points that children can ask God for as well as thank God for.This invaluable resource develops cultural, political, and geographical awareness through a Christian lens. Families, churches, and schools will all benefit from this book and in turn be able to pray more effectively for their world.Winner of the 2002 Gold Medallion for Elementary Age Children.
I did think that this book would be a little over our kiddos heads. But they seem to really get it & have learned a lot. They even have referenced this book & a country they learned about from it on more than one occasion. It's a great way to take your youngin's on a world adventure without having to leave your home (& fly on a plane with them-yikes!)