Wednesday, September 14, 2011

September 23rd-24th Leadership Event is for You!

"A Christian Leader is a humble, God-dependent, team-playing servant of God who is called by God to shepherd, develop, equip, and empower a specific group of believers to accomplish an agreed-upon vision of God." Dave Kraft

Next weekend, Friday September 23rd and Saturday 24th we are privelaged to host a leadership event with Dave Kraft.  Dave recently wrote a book called "Leaders Who Last."  Only 30% of Leaders finish well.  Each one of us is called to lead people.  Jesus didn't ask us to go make decisions, but to go make disciples.  We all have a story to tell and a minsitry to be a part of.  Whether that means full time staff at a church or a volunteer for an Awana program, or maybe you are on usher on a Sunday we all have a part to play.  Not to mention God's global call that compells us to reach into our cities and nations of the world. 

Dave Kraft worked with "Navigators" a christian ministry for 38 years before joining Mars Hill Church in Seattle.  Dave works as a leadership development pastor, training, recruiting and equipping leaders.  He has served as a leadership coach for very inffluenctial pastors as well.  

Dave will be speaking Friday evening and Saturday until Lunch.  This brief time will be packed with training and will challenge each of us to  grow in our leaderhsip capacity. Please set aside the time and if you lead a team please encourage all your leaders to participate.  You may not be leading a ministry but you need to be!  This would be a great event for you as well.

The 20$ cost associated with the event is helping us as a group of city churches to start a fund to bring in high end leaders to Missoula to impact our city.  This event will get the ball rolling for a ministry called "city forum." So we get the opportunity to sow into the next events which will be a parenting event ted Tripp called "shepherding a child's heart" followed by a marriage conference by Paul Tripp.

Please don't miss this opportunity to dial in your leadership skills and be challenged. Childcare will be provided.

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