Thursday, February 16, 2012

Atheists sue to remove Jesus statue from Big Mountain -So what...God Made Big Mountain!

Here is a little current event post from our very own state of Montana.  I have never personally seen the "Big Mountain Jesus" statue that was created to honor WW2 vets. He (the statue) became famous and even garnered some national attention when a group of concerned citizens wanted him take down because he stands on public lands.

This has been both sad and humorous to me for several reasons:

1.  God made Big Mountain which stands in greater testominy than a statue. He made the mountain! Creation is one of the greatest testimonies of God there is. "For since the creation of the world God's invisible qualities-his eternal power and divine nature-have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that men are without excuse." Romans 1:20 )

2.  If they tear down "Big Mountain Jesus," we have to tear down a number of other things that stand on public property based on similar reasoning. A Jesus statue on a mountain in Montana seems trite compared to the top of the Washington Monument that bares the inscription "Laus Deo"- Give Praise to God.  That is a much more prominent monument compared to the obscure Jesus statue outside of Whitefish Montana.  If we did some searching an extensive list could be made of government buildings with faith references and quotes. Even in a recession the amount of lawsuits against such things seem to be going up.  Those funds are sadly misappropriated.

3.  Since when did we need a Statue to promote or represent our faith?  I would argue for keeping the statue up for the reason it was planted: as a memorial to WW2 soliders, particularly members of the Army's 10th mountain division.  That's why it should stay.  Jesus doesnt need a statue to win, besides he preferred not having idols of stones- when he is a living God.  It doesn't need to stay up for His name sake, he will get his Glory.  However it is sad that a nation with a rich Christian Heritage would come to this.

4. I guess it could be a subtle reminder to the wayward snowboarder to find his way a Loving God, who gave us a massive playground like Montana to enjoy life and bring Him Glory.

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