We have been prompted to in the last few months to leave the four walls of our facility and move our office out into the streets. More and more I want our church to be "In Missoula, for Missoula."

We have several needs as this project starts to expand:
1) Workers: We go out every Friday morning and need more help as work increases and we are still looking for a crew-boss to start a Saturday Street Team. You do not need to be a skilled craftsman, just have a heart to help people. We mow lawns, clean yards, pick weeds, and more extensive projects as well.
2) We are meeting at 7am tomorrow for a special roof installation and need around 3-4 workers.
3) Finances for Vehicle Graphics: we have a van that could be a rolling billboard. It just needs the graphics. If your business wants to sponsor our vehicle graphics we would love to note that on our van. This will also give us credibility and exposure as the van goes through the city.
4) Tools: if you have tools to donate they can be dropped by during regular business hours.
Thanks for your help!